“Deep within human beings is an innate drive to embrace and actualize the whole of who they are. Given proper nurture, a person develops with the power and direction of a growing seed, synthesizing emergent abilities, acquired skills, and life experiences into a whole, coherent expression of oneself in the world.”
What is Psychosynthesis?
Psychosynthesis is the name for a process of personal growth: the natural tendency in each of us to harmonize and synthesize our various aspects in more comprehensive levels of integration.
In a more specific sense, Psychosynthesis is the name for the conscious intention to cooperate with the natural process of personal and spiritual unfolding.
All living things possess a drive to evolve and become the fullest realization of themselves. The practice of psychosynthesis consciously supports the natural unfolding of the human being.
Our psychological and spiritual development can be accelerated through understanding the nature of this unfolding. Psychosynthesis provides theory, exercises, and tools and weaves them into an inclusive and expanding framework designed to support individuals, groups, and the planet in conscious evolution.
Image courtesy of the The Synthesis Center.
Psychosynthesis dates from 1911 and the early work of Roberto Assagioli, an Italian Psychiatrist. Though one of the pioneers of psychoanalysis in Italy, Assagioli felt Freud had not given sufficient weight to the “higher” aspects of the human psyche, and recognized a need for a more comprehensive concept of humanity.
From this beginning, Assagioli and an increasing number of psychotherapists, educators, physicians, social workers, coaches, and other professionals have worked to develop and refine this transpersonal view of human growth. The task is to hold this process as imperfect and perpetually unfinished. There is no end goal. There is only growth and adventure.
Our Goals
We are committed to:
Training, nurturing, and supporting a diverse generation of Psychosynthesis Coaches and Psychosynthesis practitioners
Promoting, partnering, and contributing to the expansion of psychosynthesis education and training in the Northeast region and beyond.
Building a community that contributes to the growth, development, and sharing of psychosynthesis tools, research, and dissemination.