The New Era
“Somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished.”
Photo by Daniel Bendig
Psychosynthesis man faces a new day. Awake and reincarnated once more after a night's sleep to find myself once again HERE, at the dawn, to inhabit another day.
But not just any day, this is Inauguration Day 1-20-21. Out with the old, in with the new. A sense of possibility and remembering, a fresh start and new beginning, always hope that we may emerge and take flight, elevate, remember in a deeper and more life affirming way who we are at our best, who we may be, why we're here -- and give expression to our highest ideals.
To inaugurate is to usher in, to welcome, to begin something and set it in motion. But first there is a release, a pause, coming to rest for a moment, like the stillness between two breaths. That's high noon. We exhale, empty, let go, and then draw another breath.
A new breath signaling new life, a sense of anticipation and adventure, a different direction, hopefully learning from the mistakes of the past and making an honest, sincere, and concerted effort to get it right this time. What we used to call in grade school a "do-over".
Today, Inauguration Day, is a time to usher in a new era. A collective national "do-over", a chance to make course corrections in the great American experiment, to get our bearings and move purposefully in the direction of our highest ideals. A work in progress, never perfect, just a little more right each day, remembering the intention to create the "more perfect union."
It is within our power to choose and remake ourselves according to our own deepest sense of purpose, meaning and values. That IS our power, that's all we've ever got, the freedom to choose and make choices, to stake out a claim on how we wish to define ourselves both individually and collectively.
Get out your compost bin and make rich new soil from the decaying matter of yesterday. Get out your compass, dust off the old blueprints for our democracy and a better world. It's Inauguration Day, I feel it deep in my bones, in my heart, in my soul. Let's make things right, choose wisely. Are you in?